The parque industrial del Bierzo is located on the west side of the city of Ponferrada (pop 68,508) 1,8km away from the town centre. It is made up of two areas, PIB I and PIB II, which were created in the 1980’s and 2000 respectively. Those two parts are separated by the main road that runs through the BIZ.
The BIZ of Ponferrada is characterised by the presence of a high number of SMEs companies with less than 10 employees and only 8% of businesses have more than 25 employees. However, 58% of the people working at the BIZ are employed by a single company, a call centre.
The companies located at the BIZ are engaged predominantly in the automotive industry and services (65%) followed by construction and furniture activities (21%).
The Municipality of Ponferrada is currently the only body with decisional, organisational and executive power for the development, maintenance and management of the parque industrial del Bierzo and there is no body representing the companies in it.
Discover more about Ponferrada and Moma.BIZ
Video Audit - After MomaBIZ
Video Audit - Before MoMa.BIZ
Facts Regarding the BIZ
- Surface 2.864km2
- Nr of companies 55
- Nr of employees 1369
The parque industrial del Bierzo can be accessed by all means of transport and there are four entrances permitting access from all four cardinal point, north, south, east and west. There is a national road running parallel to the BIZ and enabling easy access by car.
Modal Split - Before the Project Implementation
- Public transport (bus): 3%
- Private car (driver): 73%
- Private car (passenger): 4%
- Carpooling: 2%
- Motorbike: 2%
- Train: 3%
- Bike: 4%
- Foot: 9%
The proximity to the town centre of Ponferrada and the residential area of “Escritores” render the BIZ perfectly accessible by foot and bicycle. As regards public transport services, 2 bus lines connect the BIZ with the town with a frequency of 15-20 minutes. The bus stops are located at the periphery of the BIZ which means that they are quite distant to many of the companies (more than 1km away).
Nonetheless, the most common mode of transport used by the employees for reaching the BIZ is the private car. According to the mobility survey this can be attributed to the following reasons:
• Lack of information and bad image of the existing public transport service.
• Lack of bus stops within the BIZ.
• Lack of pedestrian crossing and poor state of pavements within the BIZ.
• Lack of bike lanes that connect the BIZ with the bike lane network of the town.
• Lack of safe bike racks at the companies and the BIZ in general.
• Lack of bike sharing service within the BIZ.
The Mobility Plan
In the case of Ponferrada the objective was to increase the offer of more sustainable modes of transport for the home-work trips as well as improve the existing ones (i.e. public transport), and thus reduce the number of employees travelling to work by car.
It is important to note that the Mobility Plan of the parque industrial del Bierzo was supported by on-line training on mobility management for companies. The aim was to provide them with the necessary information and know-how for the development of a mobility strategy for their employees. The course included a dynamic forum too.
Based on the information collected with the mobility survey of employees and visitors/customers, the Local Mobility Group meetings and face to face meetings with some key companies, the Mobility Plan for the BIZ of Ponferrada was elaborated. The Plan focused on three main areas:
1. Promotion and information activities on existing and newly implemented mobility measures aimed at companies and employees:
a. Dissemination of information on the existing public transport service that serves the BIZ including: bus stops, frequencies, ticket prices and bus lines.
b. Face to face meeting with companies.
c. Creation of information posters displayed at the advertising space of the local authority around the town and near the BIZ.
d. Promotion of the Mobility Office as a point providing information and services for the home-work trips, i.e. Flexitaxi, public transport season tickets, etc.
2. Promotion of the idea of sharing means of transport for home-work trips among the employees:
a. Integrating the parque industrial del Bierzo in a European carpooling social network ( in order to encourage this mode of transport among the employees. This measure was promoted mainly among employees travelling to work from municipalities outside Ponferrada.
b. Flexitaxi: an innovative taxi sharing on demand service, offering employees the opportunity to travel to work by taxi under the condition that they share the trip with other employees.
c. Direct communication and visits to companies for promoting the advantages of sharing the home-work trip among the employees.
3. Promote cycling as the most efficient, fast and safe means of transport for home-work trips:
a. Inclusion of the BIZ in the existing bike sharing network of Ponferrada.
b. Auditing of the main road system connecting the town in order to identify existing barriers for cyclists, propose modifications, and indicate the safest existing bike routes.
c. Safe cycling courses for employees.
d. Promotion activities, i.e. Bici-café (coffee-bike).
The Mobility Plan of the BIZ of Ponferrada also sets out a long term implementation plan for the future:
1. Establishing 2 bus stops within the BIZ served by two more bus lines.
2. Continuous promotion of the existing sustainable modes of transport among employees.
3. Specific bike promotion activity in the BIZ during the Mobility Week in September 2013.
4. Creation of an association within the BIZ with the role to represent the companies and communicate with the local authority in order to continue the improvements with regards to mobility.
5. Continue to support and provide companies with information on mobility management so that they can develop their mobility strategy.
6. Delivery of a second training course of safe cycling for council staff (police and others).
7. Promotion of the mobility measures implemented in the parque industrial del Bierzo in other BIZs in the Province of Ponferrada.
8. Revision of the local regulations in order to promote and facilitate sustainable modes of transport.
The Impact
One of the most important outcomes of the project was bringing together the local stakeholders (i.e. companies, trade unions, local authorities, chamber of commerce, federation of local entrepreneurs, public transport operator, taxi association) and creating a dynamic Local Mobility Group (LMG). This had an important positive impact in the development of the Mobility Plan as it allowed a better understanding of the needs of the companies and employees and identify mobility measures that are accepted by all. The LMG has developed into a solid working group which will continue its activity in the future to further improve the mobility at the BIZ.
Another very important impact of the project has been its multiplier effect. More specifically other BIZ in the municipality of Ponferrada have showed a great interest in the activities carried out in the parque industrial del Bierzo, requesting a mobility plan and a replication of some of the mobility measures.
In addition, thanks to MoMa.BIZ, employees are now well informed on sustainable mobility and alternatives to the private car and there are indications of a modal shift for the home-work trips.
Finally, following the end of MoMa.BIZ, the Mobility Office of Ponferrada will take on the role of mobility manager for the parque industrial del Bierzo, following up and evaluating the mobility measures implemented as well as taking note of other mobility issues.