In the case of Atarfe we have two industrial zones involved in the project:
1. the BIZ of Atarfe, situated south-west of the town of Atarfe (pop 16,432);
2. the BIZ of Juncaril, situated at the south-east on the town Albolote (pop 17,892).
The characteristics of the BIZ are very similar and considering that the distance between them is only 4km, it was thought best to treat them as one BIZ in the following analysis.
The BIZ was created around 1970 with the promotion of the Ministry of Industry and the efforts of many entrepreneurs aiming to get estates adapted to the needs of their companies, giving an important boost to the economic development of Granada.
The BIZ has the characteristics of the majority of business and industrial zones in Spain, which is medium sized estates hosting mainly medium to small companies that undertake a variety of business activities. More specifically, the majority of the companies in the BIZ of Atarfe are SMEs with less than 50 employees, most of them have around 10-30 employees. The activities carried out by the companies are services, commercial and manufacturing.
Although there are business associations in the area representing the local companies, there is no specific management body responsible for the management of the BIZ of Atarfe. In particular, the responsibility of the two zones is divided between the City Council of Atarfe and the Association of Juncaril, formed by the municipalities of Albolote and Peligros. In addition there is the Delegation of Granada and the Metropolitan Transportation Consortium of the Area of Granada that currently operates the public transport service of the area through its company, Granada Electric Tram SA, whereas new construction, road maintenance and repair are the responsibility of the Delegation of Public Works of the Delegation of Granada.
Discover more about Atarfe and Moma.BIZ
Video Audit Atarfe
Facts Regarding the BIZ
Surface 0.9 km2
Nr of companies 450 aprox.
Nr of employees 4500 aprox.
Everyday around 4500 employees commute to and from the BIZ of Atarfe. They come from different municipalities near Atarfe but the majority of them lives in Granada.
Modal Split
Before the Project Implementation
Public transport (bus): 7%
Private car (driver): 79%
Private car (passenger): 6%
Motorbike: 6%
Bike: 1%
Foot: 1%
The BIZ can be accessed by several modes of transport. The existing road network ensures comfortable access to BIZ by car from every municipality of Granada and there is enough “free of charge” parking space to meet their needs. The BIZ is also accessible by bus. The bus stops are located at the periphery of the BIZ and within walking distance from most of the companies. The bus network ensures a direct connection with the city centre and most of the other districts in Granada. Nonetheless, as the mobility survey has shown, the majority of the employees travels to work by car and only 7% use public transport.
The Mobility Plan
The contribution of the Local Mobility Group in Atarfe was substantial in the development of the Local Mobility Plan. Interviews and meetings with the local stakeholders brought into focus their concerns as well as their proposals for improvement. These in combination with the background study and the mobility survey have led to the creation of the Local Mobility Plan. In the case of Atarfe the Plan focused on three main aspects:
• Public transport: dissemination of information on routes and timetables.
• Carpooling: collaboration with and promotion of the online platform Granada Comparte.
• Awareness raising campaigns and promotion of sustainable modes of transport: collaboration with NGOs, local authorities, preparation and dissemination of an accessibility map for sustainable modes of transport.
Include photos of the communication material and the activities implemented.
The Impact
One of the most important impacts of the project in Atarfe has been the creation of a sustainable mobility culture among the local stakeholders. There was a very constructive collaboration among the Local Mobility Group and the local project partner. Its members have actively contributed to the dissemination and awareness regarding the mobility measures and the project in general, i.e. distribution of communication material to their employees and providing information on the project to their peers.
The promotion of sustainable mobility was not limited to the Local Mobility Group but was also extended to the general public through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. They served as a meeting point for sharing of information and opinions on the sustainable mobility in the area.
The mobility measures and awareness raising activities carried out during the project have created the base for the modal shift from private car to more sustainable modes of transport among employees. This modal shift will be even greater following the implementation of all the measures foreseen by the Mobility Plan, which the Atarfe City Council will continue to carry on implementing even after the end of the project.
The project has also contributed to the reduction of energy consumption and emissions thanks to the training on eco-driving carried out.
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