
Il progetto MomaBIZ si svolge nell'Area industriale di Corso Alessandria ad Asti.

Industrial Zone of Corso Alessandria, Asti (Italy)

The BIZ of Corso Alessandria is situated just outside the town of Asti (pop 75,000), Italy, along the national road that connects Asti with Alessandria (SS10) and with the motorway Torino-Brescia (A21). The centre of the BIZ is approximately 3 kilometres from the town centre and the train station of Asti.


The BIZ of Corso Alessandria is characterised by the presence of a high number of medium-small companies and a few companies with more than 200 employees. The BIZ includes manufacturing activities as well as commercial and managerial.

Currently there is no organisation of any type in charge of its management and promotion that could also represent the companies located in it. The Municipality of Asti is the only body with decisional, organisational and executive power for the development, maintenance and management of the BIZ.

As regards the employees working at the BIZ around 50% of them live in Asti 

whereas the remaining 50% lives in towns and villages surrounding Asti.


Landscape of Asti Business Area

Discover more about Asti and Moma.BIZ



Il Contesto della Zona Industriale di Corso Alessandria (Asti)

Le Zone Industriali sono spesso difficili da raggiungere, poiché spesso localizzati in terreni liberi nella periferia di città di medie dimensioni, cosicché l’auto diventa l’unico mezzo con cui  i lavoratori possano raggiungerle. Il progetto sulla Mobilità Sostenibile per le Zone Industriali e Commerciali (MoMa.BIZ) si pone l’obiettivo di attenuare questo problema e ridurre sostanzialmente l’utilizzo dell’auto e, di conseguenza, l’emissione di CO2 dovuta al traffico veicolare.